May 4, 2024

Mummy Knows Best: 6 Women Share The Best Skincare Advice They Got From Their Mothers

When it comes to beauty, skincare is perhaps the most integral part of a person’s routine. And who better to take advice from than our mothers? Be it dotting our face with cold cream in winters, to slathering us with oils when we were babies, our mothers were the first people who started taking care of our skin, and then taught us how to do it for ourselves, too.

So, we asked six women about the best pieces of skincare advice they received from their mothers and this is what they told us.

1. Sanya’s mother never lets her ditch SPF

The lack of education on the importance of sunscreen is not a good thing. 29-year-old management student Sanya’s mother ensured this was not the case, making SPF a key part of her grooming rituals from an early age. Sanya said, “She made sure I always, always, always wear sunscreen.”

This is the best advice, as sunscreen not only protects our skin from damage and environmental stressors, but also allows it to heal fast and look healthier.

2. Srijoni’s mom is a huge proponent of hydration

Hydration is another thing we don’t pay attention to in India because our hot and humid climate makes us over-cleanse and under-moisturise. But, senior fashion writer Srijoni’s mother ensured she keeps her skin plump and quenched. So, her advice is: “Moisturise and hydrate! We share an entire collection of serums, oils, lotions etc., so it is kind of like a bonding exercise!”

3. Ghazala’s mom swears by petroleum jelly and eating right

Being a teacher, Ghazala has a hectic schedule, but her mother equipped her with the most holistic advice to offer as far as skincare goes. She said, “My mum always tells me what you eat will reflect on your skin.” Seasonal fruits and green veggies are definitely good for each part of the body, including our largest organ – the skin!

Ghazala also learnt another trick that has become a skincare trend called “slugging” now: “She uses petroleum jelly at night, and it makes her skin glow.” Well, we’re going to go get our tub of Vaseline now!

4. Sreeparna’s mom gave her some moisturising tips

Assistant fashion editor Sreeparna, who has dry skin, told us her mother’s advice saved her skin from feeling parched and taut, “When I turned 20, my mom asked me to use a night cream religiously and it has quite honestly changed my skin. I am not sure how it works but somehow it had much better effects than using a day moisturiser. Also, it goes without saying that by virtue of being a Bengali, Boroline has been a household staple for chapped lips!”

5. Ekanshi’s mother trusts this classic desi product

The desi obsession with Boroline is no small thing, and social media executive Ekanshi’s mother is not an exception to it: “My mother is obsessed with Boroline, so much so that my father and I call her a secret brand ambassador of the product!”

But as per Ekanshi, it’s not ‘all hype and no results’, “Every time I get a pimple or a rash, she asks me to put Boroline on it (she asks me to put it literally everywhere and every time) but it really does help! It brings down the redness and the itch and heals it quite quickly.” We’d try that!

6. Abhilasha’s mother took her back to basics

There are always some classic and simple remedies which work wonders for persistent skin issues. According to copy editor Abhilasha, aloe vera did the trick for her: “My mother introduced me to aloe vera in my early 20s and it has worked wonders for my skin, which is rather sensitive and tends to become irritated if I go overboard with products. I have used it for years as a go-to option in my skincare routine and it has been the perfect hack!” We swear by aloe too, so her mother must be on to something!

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