April 29, 2024

Mastering the art of masacara: Expert shares tips to enhance makeup

Unlocking the secrets of luscious lashes, know here the secrets shared by an expert on how to achieve longer lashes by applying mascara correctly.

Ever wondered how some people seem to have eyes that sparkle and captivate? The secret lies in the art of mascara application. In the world of makeup, certain tools and techniques hold a transformative power, and mascara undoubtedly reigns supreme among them. Mascara, with its ability to accentuate lashes and define eyes, has long been a staple in cosmetic kits worldwide.

Mascara can help you look more confident, powerful and beautiful at the same time, giving you an overall finished makeup look without much to do! In just a few swipes, you can transform your lashes from ordinary to extraordinary, enhancing your entire look. Ms Avleen Bansal, Head Of Training, Make-up Studio has the secret of how to apply mascara correctly to enhance your overall look and give it a perfect balanced face attracting many eyes.

Tips to apply mascara

  1. The Preliminary Curl:
    Before you even touch that mascara wand, consider giving your lashes a gentle curl. A lash curler can work wonders in opening up your eyes and creating a perfect canvas for mascara application.
  2. Choosing the Right Formula:
    Mascara formulas are as diverse as the colours in a sunset. For a natural look, opt for a defining mascara. If drama is your game, a volumizing formula will be your partner in crime. Lengthening mascaras are perfect for those seeking luscious, fluttery lashes.
  3. The Technique:
    Mastering the technique is key to achieving a flawless finish. Start at the base of your lashes, wiggling the wand slightly to ensure every lash is coated. For extra volume, focus on the roots and build your way up. Don’t forget those outer corner lashes – they are the secret weapon for a wide-eyed effect!
  4. The Power of Layering:
    Dare to layer! Applying multiple coats can take your lash game to new heights. Just ensure each coat dries before adding another layer to avoid clumps.
  5. Playing with Colour:
    Black is a classic, but don’t be afraid to experiment with colours like brown, navy, or even plum for a playful twist. Coloured mascaras can enhance your eye colour and add an unexpected pop to your overall look.
  6. Precision is Key:
    A steady hand is your best friend. Avoid mascara mishaps by using a small brush to clean up any smudges or clumps. Precision is the secret to a polished finish.
  7. Bottom Lash Love:
    Don’t neglect your bottom lashes! A subtle touch of mascara on the lower lashes can balance your look and make your eyes truly pop.

Elevate your mascara game with this secret shared by an expert. as mascara holds the power to elevate your entire appearance. Experiment with techniques, find the perfect formula for your lash goals and get ready to flaunt eyes that stand out of the crowd.

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